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how to practice with books?

ZeAaron - Sun, 01/31/2010 - 12:36 | 5,195 views

i was wondering, what is more effective when working on multiple things:

a.) sticking one ting at a time, until satisfactpry with the results of that exceresise, and then move on (ie. spemding weeks or months working through the same book)


b.) spending certain days on certain things. (ie. monday, foot ostinaotos, tuesday, ghost notes, etc.)

or maybe even

c.)spending certain part of your daily workout to these different excersises. (like above, but spread throughout one day)

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snoopersize Says Re: how to practice with books?

Submitted On: Wednesday, Feb 24, 2010 - 6:47 PM

I've always believed in a good amount of variation. The big danger with practising one thing too intently for a period of time is you get extremely good at that one thing but forget that it has to be seamlessly integrated with everything else you are doing (fills using rudiments just learnt for example).

As long as you mix up your technical practice with amounts of improvisation where you integrate what you've learnt you won't go far wrong! (Stops you getting bored too!)

drumfreak Says Hmm.. honestly whate

Submitted On: Tuesday, Feb 9, 2010 - 10:15 PM

Hmm.. honestly whatever works for you. I think it would be best to try to stick with one thing until you so-call "Master" it. Then move on with your wisdom and master the next..

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